August 2015
Art of Encountering
Performance Art, models to meet and pending communications
in reciprocal transfer
October 13. Orangerie-Theater, Volksgartenstrasse
25, 50677 Cologne, 19:00
October 14. city walk in Cologne, starting point will be
announced later, Launch 13:00 bis 16:00
October 15. Carlswerke Köln Mülheim BEOS AG ,
Schanzenstrasse 6 -20, 51063 Köln 19:00
16. city walk in Bonn, starting point will be announced
later. Launch 13:00 - 16:00
The participating artists
from China: CHEN Jin / FENG Weidong / HE Chengyao / LI
Xiaomu / QIAO Shengxu / WANG Chuyu / XIANG Xishi / ZHOU Bin
PAN Vienna, Im_flieger und ChinaCultureDesk will present on one day
the chinese artists and at next day some open encounter with artists
from Vienna
Artists from Vienna: Daniel Aschwanden / Jan
Machacek / Sabine Marte / Gertrude Moser-Wagner / Brigitte Wilfing
The "performancelaboratorium" Linz:
present only the chinese artists
Artists from Switzerland: Simone Etter / Iris
Ganz / Monica Günther / Muda Mathis / Chris Regn / Ruedi Schill
/ Sus Zwick
Artists from Art-Lab Kunstpavillon: Petra
Deus / Yingmei Duan / Anne Hoffmann /Boris Nieslony / Ute-Marie Paul
/ Delphine Richer / Evamaria Schaller
The festival Interval °7, Essen presents
the chinese artists and an open source outdoor performance.
Artists from Action-Lab PAErsche: Yingmei
Duan / Frank Homeyer / Taisiya Ivanova / Lala Nomada / Mark Met / Christiane
Obermayr / Thomas Reul / Carola Willbrand - and the Open Source Walking
in Bonn
Artists from ACTUS: Pierre Berthet / Maud
Hagelstein /Anais Heraud / Yingmei Duan / Boris Nieslony / Gwendoline
Robin / Barbara Roland / Gaetan Rusquet / Evamaria Schaller
European organizer,
network partners and venues belong this project:
° PAN Vienna / A (Daniel Aschwanden, Brigitte Wilfing) + Verschwender
(Sabine Marte, Daniel Aschwanden) +
Im_flieger (Anita Kaya, Brigitte Wilfing) + Institut
für Interaktive-Raumprojekte (Gertrude Moser-Wagner) +
ChinaCultureDesk (Alice Schmatzberger, Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber)
° "performancelaboratorium", Linz / A + FAMA (Elisa
Andessner) + Die Fabrikanten, Linz / A (Wolfgang Preisinger)
+ BB15, Linz / A
° Marianne Papst, Simone Etter, Gisela Hochuli + Kaskadenkondensator
Basel / CH
° Art-Lab Kunstpavillon / AIM e.V. Burgbrohl, RLP / D (Karin
° Festival Interval, Essen / D (Marita Bullmann) + ERDgeschoss,
Essen / D
° PAErsche, Cologne / D + Orangerie, Cologne / D (Evamaria
Schaller, Rolf Hinterecker, Boris Nieslony)
° Künstlerforum, Bonn / D (Susanne Grube + PAErsche)
° Actus, Liége / Belgium, Ricochets + ESAVL + (Béatrice
Didier, Maud Hagelstein)
Information: ::
:: ::
facebook: PAErsche / Actus /
artists performing a collective event
Full thanks for
support to the following sponsors
ifa - Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
Im_flieger / ChinaCultureDesk / Bundeskanzleramt Österreich
Bundeskanzleramt kunst, Österreich / Kulturland Oberösterreich
/ Linz Kultur / bb15
"performancelaboratorium" / Fama / Die Fabrikanten
Kulturstiftung des Kantons Thurgau / Kanton Basel-Stadt_Kultur / swisslos
Kultursekretariat Wuppertal
Kulturbüro Essen / AIM . V. /
Stadt Köln, Kulturamt / Stadt Köln internationale Angelegenheiten
„Städtepartnerschaften gestalten“
Gesellschaft der Chinafreunde e.V. / Carlswerk-ein Projekt von BEOS
Künstlerforum Bonn / Stadt Bonn Kulturamt
Ricochets / École Supérieure des Arts / Province Liège
/ Ville de Liège /
some thoughts for the project
Since 2005, there has been
existing a continuing and stable exchange between artists from Asia
and various networks in Europe and this in a two years rhythm. The Far
East artists are invited to provide a distribution of their practices
and theoretical backgrounds of their cultural activities. Responsible
for the last 2 encounters and this newest edition is PAErsche - Performance
- Art laboratory.
This year, 2015, eight artists from Mainland China are visiting the
network partners from Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and Germany.
In this encounter more than 30 artists from the European partner countries
and the eight Chinese guests are meeting each other. The duration of
the project is scheduled for six weeks. The experimental fields of this
Nomadic Artist's Resident Project are diverse spaces, venues and public
communicative situations.
In the experiment, the relation artist / audience is brought to unfold
and to go further and beyond other artistic practices.
The offer of the European partners covers a wide spectrum: starting
with the classic white cube (gallery), black theatre spaces and a factory
hall with their raw charm. Then across into urban and industrial landscapes
that can be marked by interventions and walks.
Other fruitful areas are small provincial centres, f.e. marketplaces.
In between there are excursions in natural environments - heights, valleys,
woods and quarries. Accompanying roundtables and information sessions
are held, which are organized in cooperation with cultural centres and
art associations.
The Chinese artists were invited because they maintain the braid of
“exchange, gift and their return presents” and the communication between
the public and their own aesthetic interests in these experimental fields
and media.
Similarity and difference to the practices of European artists is fundamental
and orientation for this meeting. PAErsche and our partners in this
spanning project are interested, among other questions: How is this
aesthetic focus and how can we let emerge this practice? The artists
will show pieces and actions of Live Art and Performance as solitary
artists or in cooperation and interaction
The artists will show pieces and actions of Live Art and Performance
as solitary artists or in cooperation and interaction. The outbound
range includes the physical sounding of intentions and situations, across
to narrative sequences of living images and daily poetical gestures
and intensive interactions.
Some artistic phenomena
peeled in advance of the meeting as matters out
1. Since the art of encounter does not rely on products but on floating
media is: a – the central artistic fact the practical application of
these media placed every time in different situations in time and space.
B – attitude is inherent as a floating medium of art of encounter. How
to show the different influences of attitude? C – The interaction, the
energetic coherence in the apparent as communication is the substantial
event in the performance as art of encountering. (syn-energetic simultaneity
in the difference to guided groups, object-oriented performance and
managed participation)
2. PAErsche has developed in the Open Source a method to work together
with specific culturally grown and thereby differently motivated artists.
Instead of closed product ranges, the focus is directed to figure out
the current framework.
3. It turns out to be needs an untouchable to meet, which is supported
as an active peculiarity between cultures, an essential, floating medium.
4. How is emerge from touching the untouchable a realism of the body
and how does it unfolds a field of temporary community in which the
participants can themselves unfold as large as possible? How should
be the touching like, that the untouchable stays unaffected in all,
innumerable shaped act in situations? Stringent and exciting question
at every live art and performance acts. A finely-ranging bouquet of
questions to the guests and the hosts.
5. How do performative acts, live art strategies and cultural actions
refer to something outside standing, avoiding patch self-referentiality,
although they are self-referential in the sense of unfolding communication?
6. How do cultural experiments create significations and singular sense?
7. What will follow if the six weeks of (the project) have passed What
will be happen in the six passing weeks? Which kind of pleasant surprise
will emerge?
Aktionslabor NRW
have a look about the activities from
2009 - 2013 (and early 2014)
catalogue about this activities (2009 - 2013) are
get in contact with us and
facebook: PAErsche asabank(at)
blog: „The lying on the floor, abandoned to lie" An
exhibition about material in Performance Art formed by E.P.I.
Zentrum Cologne and Sibylle Ettengruber MAERZ-Gallery Linz/A
and more than 80 artists around the world.
about the exhibition:
lying-sitting-standing-walking-jumping-flying/falling is
available too under following blog
Black Kit' The Performance Art Archive full
info here ::
Black Kit - The Performance Art Archive (pdf)
Black Kit, Linz /A 1998
Black Kit contain the Material and the ideas many single persons,
groups, organizations, associations and information about
artists-run-spaces. It contain documentation about events,
festivals and other forms of presentation with structure of
communication. The B.K. host information, texts, facts about
projects which gave directions in the performance art
network. Included are also temporary projects as potential
der Schwarzen Lade konzentriert sich das Material und die Ideen
vieler Personen und Gruppierungen. Sie enthält die
Dokumentation vieler Veranstaltungen mit kommunikativen
Strukturen, sie archiviert die Informationen von
Organisationen, Associationen, Artist-Run-Spaces und Projekte,
die richtungsweisend waren seit 1975. Nicht ausgeschlossen
sind auch Projekte die temporär auftraten, kurzfristig
lebten oder nie realisiert wurden, sich als Potential ind das
Archiv sedimentierten.
on, as an archive the B.K. Has contents a) embrace a
collection of theoretical publications (texts , essays, books,
catalogues, artists-statements) about performance, performance
art, performing arts and intermedia arts. It contents 3000
named international artists, 500 Dossiers and documentation about
the different organizations in the different performance art
networks. b) concepts and information about intentions for
cultural, social and public spaces. Also alternated activities in
the society.
Archiv sind in der Schwarzen Lade desweiteren verfügbar: a)
eine umfassende Sammlung theoretischer Äußerungen über
Performance, Performance-Art, Performing Arts und
artverwandte, intermediale Künste Dossiers, Photos,
Videos und Audios von ca 500 Performance-Art KünstlerInnen
weltweit, Dokumentationsmaterialien der verschiedenen Knoten
der verschiedenen Performance-Netzwerke. b) Konzepte und
Informationen über die unterschiedlichste Bestrebungen,
Gesellschaft, kulturelle und soziale Räume neu und anders
zu bestimmen, die Alternativen.
Schwarze Lade - „The Black Kit“ und „Das Archiv des
E.P.I. Zentrums„
öffentliche Archiv-Skulptur / Gestalt:
Regal-Skulptur als gleichmässig geschlossener Körper
auf Rollen, auseinanderziehbar und zu öffnen wie eine
Ziehharmonika, beidseitig gleichermaßen bestückt,
außer die Endstücke. (ist zu verändern wenn fest
stationiert) (siehe Bild)
mentale Skulptur hatte sie einen hermetisch, gnostischen Anspruch
der Erfahrung. In die Digitalisierung führend müßten
entsprechende Module entwickelt werden. Neue Körper,
beweglicher, kleinere Module, digitalisierte Körper,
wenn Module - welche Qualität hat die Monade? Monade -
Nomade = Die Stifter
Skulptur des Öffentlichen Interesses
Schwarze Lade hatte in ihrer Entwicklung, in ihrem Wachsen
wiederholt Veröffentlichung erfahren. 1. Skulptur 2.
Material/Index 3. Forschung
1.1. (Schwarze Lade 1981 - 2000)
Regale mit je 5 Fächer. Jedes Regal 2m hoch, 1m breit, 60cm tief,
beidseitig bestückt.
Diverse Holzkisten mit Poster, Relikten,
1.2. (Archiv des E.P.I. Zentrum 2000 -2008)
5 Regale mit je 5 Fächer. Jedes Regal 2m hoch, 1m breit, 60cm tief,
beidseitig bestückt.
6 Regale mit je 5 Fächer. Jedes Regal 2m hoch, 1m breit, 45cm tief,
beidseitig bestückt.
Große Plastik-Röhren als Rollen für Poster, Diverse
Holzkisten, Koffer mit Relikten,
2 2.1.
Gesammelte, gespeicherte Medien sind einige mit Index aufgeschlüsselt:Briefwechsel
und e-mails; Presse über KünstlerInnen,
Schachteln; Ordner mit Dossiers; Texte,
Statements von und über KünstlerInnen; digital
erfasst ca. 3000 KünstlerInnen. Digital erfasst, Texte,
Essays von KusthistorikerInnen, TheoretikerInnen
Performance-Bücher seit den Mittsiebzigern; themen-bezogene
Periodicas, Kunstzeitschriften;Informationen über Festivals,
Events, wichtige Organisationen, Flyer, Poster, Kataloge;
2.2. etwa
800 Video's (U-matic,VHS-Bänder, Video 8, Hi8, MiniDV, DVD,
Schallplatten, Audio-Tapes,CD's über Sound-Art, Poesie Sonore,
Sprach-Performances, Literatur-Performance. Musik und Performance, theoretische
Vorträge als CD's, etc.
2000 Dias, S/W Negative seit 1979, Photo-Abzüge. Bild-CD's, CD-Rom's.
Weitere Medien sind Objekte, Relikte von Performances, T-Shirts, Transparente
von Festivals, Materialien der KünstlerInnen etc.