Ground Work TM Worldwide

Groundwork by Zygmunt Piotrowski, Alastair MacLennan, Boris Nieslony
Warsaw - Belfast - Köln

All rights reserved. Trademarks registered.


Enter space

See the relation of things

Change the rules in between

Watch references around

Reach into axis of attention

Keep upperstanding

Important notice

The upperstanding is a key index for Ground WorkTm instructions.

In opposition to subjective reflection, the index describes one’s body extension

reflectively performed on its subject.

Perform but do not act.
Pay attention.

Instructions available with yellow plastic band to be used as significant marker for the space of out-door Ground Work TM performances
29 DM - 100m band scroll



ASA, Art Service Association, The performance network
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phone : 0049 221 76 34 28
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