The Performance Network - The Network Thought - Analogies. The Cooperation - Material and History

ASA - the mental coordinate, DIE GABE, ASA-European - the international coordinate, software, information exchange ASA-European e.V. - the existential coordinate, Logistic and limited hardware coordination and archiving, DIE SCHWARZE LADE - now

Since 1975 there has been a substantial interest in dissecting connections and systems, exposing them to precise vivesections, stripping them of their apparent order.The resulting bodies, elements, monads, fragments, modules and parts are then reconnected in a different manner: a free floating link-up.

(Performancetheorie, Installationsmodelle, DAS DING und seine Theorien, DAS PARADIES, ANTHRO- POGNOSTISCHES TAFELGESCHIRR, etc.)

Since the debates at DAS KONZIL 1, the term "network" has been adopted for these connections. Parallel to this "service" and "tool" were considered which, among other things, led to the projects: ASA, Current Affairs and Black Market International.

Concepts and galvanic chains, sympathy chains Network of terms Network of image, form and color Network of undertakings, organisations and actions Network of materials, things Network of ideas, meaning, content Network of ligatures, the vehicle In addition to the three network coordinates (see text: The Network and Its Structures) it is now under consideration to introduce a fourth coordinate - The Transitive Network (Peter Farkas).

INTERMENT The Transitive Network sees itself as a virtual structure which, temporarily and in a flash, points out the path of a value which finds itself in transfer. This flash is a form of publicising. The precise definition of time at a not previously determinable place within an exactly specified boundry. (Diffusion cloud chamber as an image)

In the words of Martin Buber: It is not the places and the people which are in the network, it is the network which lies in the places and the people. (and in the context, the material, the elements and form etc.)

In relation to art, this means to develop the phenomena of space, time, matter and context. Behavior and actions are to be realised. They become manifestations. From a realistic point of view the difference continues to exist between the event and the naming of the event.

Also, I would only term those manifestations "NETWORKING" which show in form and event the following qualities

Being within the encounter; displacement through analogy; simultaneousness of the most varied, mutually exclusive realities into intergrated actualities; Non-abuse of events and matter for self-promotion, introduction of the subjunctive; The organism "NETWORKING" divides itself into many bodies, many embodiments and many fields.

Establish a desired and sought out common ground with your opposite.

The networking begins with your own body and appears on all bodies - skin tight.

"NETWORKING" is an interaction model and is formed through foundations. Interaction models with paradigmatic qualities are, for example, foundations for artificial figures, quasi-institutions, etc.

Abandon the "what" for the "how" of transformation. It becomes transitory; it has binding qualities; it is compatable. Thinking in Intensities. For, not only concepts and ideas associate with one another. Matter, form and event do also. They attach themselves to their kind in far distant spaces and times.

The word "NETWORK" means nothing other than the complete absence of itself, as happens with all terms. Dissolution of semantic connection NETWORK: put together a present state of affairs on a trial basis.

Another undertaking, the approach itself: Along with the instruments of technology, transport, communications, science, politics and culture; in my opinion, the following factors have furthered the appreciation and the understanding for the NETWORK and initiated the installation of this link-up.

What should be expected from a software "Network"? Potential gravity (energy) of a person Potential gravity of the themes of a person The provision of a representative Network behavior: the presence of parallel movements The definition of a conditional framework
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