Dear Boris,
Here are some lines pertaining to the subject of photography and Performance :
The relationship between object and human image and space or the relationship between human image and space can be expressed as a metaphor in both Performance and Photograph. But, the relationship between object and human being in space or human being and space can best be expressed, in Performance, in the context of an actual time and space. 
I have  often stood in awe at a two dimensional printed images produced by a photographer from my own performance. Their seeming clarity of dimension and aesthetics in their placement on the paper, for example, transmit a sense of coherency and rational that are practically seductive.  But, this can only be a mere suggestion or a visual pointer to a much more complex situation that can never be  fully interpreted in the photograph.  
-The photo is a mere interpretation, defined by a specific medium, of one moment in a situation that has many moments.
The photographer is part on the performance event so far as the other persons present in the
event are a part of it. His presence and use of the camera during the performance might
definitely enhance the metaphorical visual awareness of the other persons in the performance
event (similar to the manner in which Goddard in his movie  Passion uses the presence of the
camera or in Felini`s works, Le Dolce Vita or in Intervista ) but, for this very reason I prefer
to inhibit the space used by the photographer in my own performances. 
 It is of utmost importance, for me, that all participants should have their own independent choice of  their own "point of view" during a performance. It is only in Performance-art that the artist and audience share, in such an acute manner, the same space and for this very reason I have chosen the venue of Performance-art specifically as my own. 
Performance-art  is the most conducive to revealing the multiplicity of attitudes. 
Its accessibility to the conflicting  "views" of its participants and then to the hope that a dialogue might occur, after all, makes this form so apt and - political.
After all, what is a greater trigger than having diverse entities in one space or place ?   
-(greetings from the Mid-East...)
The photograph depicting one image from my performance is a nostalgic remembrance of how I seemed to be and not more-.

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