E. P. I. Zentrum
Europaeisches Performance Institut


Padepokan Lemah Putih / Melati Suryodarmo

Documentary about

The 15th Performance Art Conference"

The event and ceremonies in Bedulu took place at the main house:
of Mr. Nuaja

Tawur Kesanga : Sunday, March 18, 2007 , Noon - Evening
Nyepi: Moday, March 19, 2007, 00:00:00 Midle Indonesian Time (WIT) 24 hours
Ngembak Geni: Tuesday, March 20, 2007, morning - afternoon

6 degree latitude south and 60 degree north


" When Schoenberg asked me whether I would devote my life to music, I said, 'Of course'. After I had been studying with him for two years, Schoenberg said, 'In order to write music, you must have a feeling for harmony'. I explained to him that I had no feeling for harmony. He then said that I would always encounter an obstacle, that it would be as though I came to a wall through which I could not pass. I said, in that case I will devote my life to beating my head against that wall."
(John Cage, Indetermancy; in: Silence, 261 ff)

photo: John Boehme, Nyepi in Vancouver


Participants :

° Boehme, John G. / Canada
Describtion: I will be in full swing with the semester and hope to infiltrate the system with silence at Brentwood College
Camosun College and the University of Victoria. John G. Boehme will endeavour to have my classes as well as three children quiet for the 24 hr period
I will be on the Hill at Mt Washington documenting the silence of the three children - Beauregard Farley Boehme, John Truly Boehme and Ciel Eloise Arbour – Boehme
Our day (24hrs) was VERY CHALLENGING. The day was punctuated with very few silent moments of silence as it is SPRING BREAK for the schools here in Canada mayhem is the chorus. I have attached several distinct moments of silence. As the ENTIRE DAY (24hrs) was to be silent only a few brief moments on.
Mt Washington, Vancouver Island

° bbyond - Birgit Salling Hansen / Northern Ireland
Describtion: Nyepi day of silence in Belfast is 4pm Sunday 18th to 4pm Monday 19th of March 2007, and will take place in gallery PS2, Donegall Str. opposite Belfast Exposed gallery near St. Anne's Cathedral, city centre.
Will the so far 6 people who have committed to participating meet beforehand please, 3pm in front of gallery PS2 Sunday so we can brief eachother, also re. the building. There will be some chairs in the space and there is a washroom upstairs, otherwise bring what you need, a blanket etc. See you then.
Participants: Sinead O'Donnel, Stephen Dorothy, Alastair MacLennan, Colm Clarke, Leo Devlin, Sinead O'Brien and Birgit Salling Hansen
During Nyepi in gallery PS2, I was meditating 50 min out of the hour - when not asleep or resting or having a banana! In my mind I got some images of a fire over the floor... I wonder if there was a fire in the building. Some time after the event I wrote a poem.

Nyepi (Day of Silence in the Balinese New Year tradition)
Father, dissolving gun, snow fall. Every fragment of the universe bears witness to the fact that I am yours. Son or daughter of a gun.
Birgit Salling Hansen, Belfast UK

° Cseres, Jozef / Slovakia
Describtion: He particpated in Bali

° Costa, Alexandre A.R. & dos Santos, Jorge Fernando (Public Performedia Collective)./ Portugal
Describtion: Place for the action: City of Oporto, D. Frei Jerónimo Brito & Mello street, nº152 (ina a compartment of the private house)
The performance we propose, which we designated at personal level: "we are quiet at home", can understand this structure: We stay in a closed compartment of a house, quiet and in silence during the 24 hours, and the idea is that we will put in the door of the respective house, a paper of great format with the following informative elements for the general public:

We are celebrating Nyepi: Bali`s Day of Silence
Beginning 18th of March 2007 at 16:00 p.m., during 24hours.

Please not to disturb, we are in silence and quiet.
If you want, go home and do the same.
uksic and other

° Couillard, Paul / Canada
Describtion: Small report about SILENCE #2 (at the table, with thanks to Boris Nieslony)
Perhaps you remember that I spoke to you of this idea, to sit at a table for 24 hours and invite others to sit in silence with me for as long as they wished... I acknowledged you in the title of the piece because of this conversation, but also because I think the few times we have felt comfortable together have been moments of shared silence. Having evoked you in the title, I certainly had a feeling of your presence many times throughout the 24 hours. (And of course I was also thinking of NYEPI, although it is not for another week...)
The space of the performance was difficult, a lobby space at the university, and I suspected that the conditions would add to the challenge for people. I was not wrong in this belief: For the most part, people were unwilling to really engage with the invitation in the piece. Of course many people would read the invitation, and say
to me that they thought this was a great idea, but then mostly they would walk away without sitting with me. Many more sat down but felt the need to talk, to entertain, to take care of me or themselves in some superficial way. Some sat but would turn away from me, or do things like turn their walkman on... A few tried, very genuinely, to sit TOGETHER in silence, but could not really sink very deeply into this special space. But also, I am pleased to say, I had three truly remarkable encounters with people who I felt really joined me in silence, and together we listened to all that was around us, full of feeling, but not distracted by it, simply being. Or being simply.. Paul

° Csuka, Liliane / CH
Describtion: She participated in her house in Zuerich / CH

° Daquiaoag, Thomas / Philipines
Describtion: He participated in Bali

° Dragu, Margaret / Canada
At 9:00 am in Richmond, BC; Canada on March 18th, 2007, I shall excuse myself from my job at the community centre and stand in the shower for 7 minutes in silence (the only place in he building I can be alone) with an intended sense of connection to you and to everyone who is also in silence.
Margaret Dragu / Finn Slough
Richmond, BC; Canada

° Eichenberger, Claudia / CH
Describtion: She participated in her home/studio in Basel, Switzerland

° Gillespie, Brooke Hamre / USA
Describtion: She participated in Bali

° Gneissl, Alexandra / D
Describtion: Variation 1

to be 24 hours in a for me wellknown 'soundpsace'. The space is in an indian tradition andlocated in a schamanistic visionsland in Denmark. He is built up half in the earth and connected with worldwide placed other soundspaces. She will interrogate the schamane in Denmark about this facts. This Variation will be in total seclusion, to take pictures are not able.
"..ich traf vor 10 Tagen Melati in Braunschweig und sagte Ihr, dass ich Variante 1 wählen werde. Auch wenn ich Euch gerne in Bali getroffen hätte, freue ich mich genauso auf die Zeit im Visionsland in Dänemark. Wie das Glück es so wollte, wird es dort am Samstag, den 17. März ein
10-stündiges schamanisches Ritual geben. Zur Frage " wer bin ich " werden wir die Dimensionen unseres Sein in einer 10 Runden-Schwitzhütte erfahren.
Dieses Ritual ist begleitet von Fasten und Schweigen und richtet den Blick nach innen. Es ist die ideale Ausgangssituation für meine Teilnahme an Nyepi am 18./19. März und geht dann auch nahtlos ineinander über.Ich werde zwei "Traumzeiten" in dem von mir schon
erwähnten Klangraum verbringen und die mentale, spirituelle Verbindung zu Euch halten.
Ich freue mich sehr darüber und gehe mit einem positiven Gefühl in die kommenden Tage.

° Haba, Kaori / Japan
Describtion: My father has senile dementia.. I don't exist in his memory any more, but sometimes he comes back to me momentarily.
I wait the moment and listen to him in silence.

° 'Hasena' - Trachsel, Peter / CH
Describtion: The participation will be in Dalvazza / Küblis / CH. I invited some other participants, included Valentina Vuksic

° Heitzmann, Guenther / D
Describtion: He participated in Bali

° Hinterecker, Rolf / Austria / Germany
Describtion: see http://global-affairs.blogspot.com

° I Kadek Deddy (Indonesia)
Describtion: He participated in Bali

° Kwasniewski, Pawel / Poland + Marialuisa Ramirez Ernst / Chile
Describtion: After so many years from meeting her in Santiago, Chile (at a party in Alexander del Re's aprtament), after flying together to Tierra Del
Fuego.... After meeting her in NYC....after so many years, months, weeks and days....Marialuisa Ramirez Ernst is in Warzawa, Poland.

° Klingler, Monica / CH / Belgie
Describtion: Ja , da war ich also im Wohnwagen, zuerst mal lange nur Regentrommeln, Feuer knistern, Kerzenlicht auf den wenigen Objekten, zuerst viel Lärm im Kopf, am ruhigsten wenn ich hin und wieder ein Scheit nachlege oder mal eine Frucht schneide, esse, natürlich alle Eindrücke intensiv, dann öfters eingeschlafen, früh morgens wach, sehe die drei weissen Pferde auf grüner Wiese drüben unter Bäumen, mache Feuer, schlafe ein, das nächste Mal aufgewacht ist alles weiss, die Pferde sieht man fast nicht, dann drängen sie sich in den Schutz von meinem Wagen,kratzen sich daran, es schaukelt, sie schlafen da stehend im Windschatten, dann sind da nur noch die grünen Löcher von ihrer Pisse, ein paar Hufspuren...ich war am Ende der Welt, da mag ich wieder hin, nächstes Mal vielleicht in einer Stadt. Natürlich ist es total anders wenn man weiss man ist nicht einfach allein still.. Alle 2 oder 3 Monate so 24 Stunden Stille, ja.

° Langenbach, Ray / Malaysia
Describtion: Here in Malaysia, in solidarity with Nyepi, Bali’s Day of Silence and the 15th Performance Conference beginning at 00:00 Bali time, and in celebration of my 59th birthday on 19 March 2007... I will alter my consciousness.

° Loveless, Natalie / USA
Describtion: I will be meditating on my pink socks, a performance-gift. Walking in their fluffy softness all day, they will pave the way for a day of
remembrance and celebration: to be known henceforth as "Pink-Sock day." To you, my fellow respondents! And to what can be said to be
marked by the pinkness of our feet. In silence, into the pink...

° Letourneau, Eric / CAN
Describtion: He participated in Bali

° Lu, Lynn / Japan
Describtion: i wanted to let you know that I participated on Nyepi in Japan, 24 hours in silent meditation, at the Vipassana Center in Kyoto.

° McGregor, Fiona (Sen-Voodoo) / AUS
Describtion: She participated in Australia

° Montmartin, Fabien / France invite: Schalck, Emilie and Max Horde / France
Bruno Mercet / France invite: Sylvie Buisson and FlorentMorisot / France (flat of Germain Chaperon)
Amélie Laurence Fortin / CAN; invite Peio Eliceyri / CAN ; Hélèn Matte / CAN; Blaise Carrier-Chouinard / CAN (Chambre Blanche)
We will be on conferencevision during 24 hours: 18th Marsh 5:00pm (Paris) and 11:00am (Québec) by this address:
Describtion: I chose the option B.
Our performence called in french ' Soyons 9', 'being nine' 'being new' . I haven't choose yet all my partners.
Being new,appear in my eyes like before, during or after to priate as if you clean your mind. I've send you last time my ideas about our participation looks out... It was Bertrand who translate it for you.
I'm a bit confused with my english, but i will try to do it again... There are three people, in three part of the world: One in France is name is Bruno Mercet, an other in Canada, her name is Amélie Laurence Fortin and the next in France, it's me, Fabien Montmartin, each of us will invit two other peoples. It can be in a gallerie or in private room 'caus my idea consist on making by webcam and internet to diffuse in France the canadians' performences, and in Québec what is happenning in France on the same time. People might see the performence in a place and what happen in an other part of the world joined by the same topic... Silence... it will be beautifull. I'd like to say the way I think 'silence' or 'movelessness':

Silence is the unical border line where the soul can reconize herself. Being quiet, it's for men or women being full of the Univers, and for a short time maybe, he or her forgets troubles and as a dancer can fell the energy of happiness.

In France we are supported by:
ecm Kawenga: http://www.ecmkawenga.com/diffusion/semaine_ctrK.htm
Ars numerica: http://www.ars-numerica.net/
Selfworld: http://selfworld.name (conferencevision)
chabalab: http://www.chabalab.net/

in Quebec / CAN we are supported by Chambre Blanche


° Moser-Wagner, Gertrude /A
Describtion: Nyepi, description installation-performance
"Nyepi 24 min" Installation-Performance in Solo
My Nyepi at Bedulu - two nights in Balinese Family's house. My elements of time, 24 hours, devided in:
9 hours sleep (blue), 7 hours communication (red), 6 hours work (green), 2 hours meditation (yellow)
I recorded four elements, acoustically:
-Nature sound
-a deaf dump woman, a relative
-A voice-imitating burd, a beo
-Laughter, rythmically, when the family was playing a EUROPE memory game at the balé (it was my present to the family)

I dedicate this work to SANG AYU SITIARI with whom i learned to communicate without speaking the language, via photo-albums, via the deafdump relative
and via the beo-bird. They had two more guests, swiss women, their second son is married to a swiss. Her husband is gamelan player (that's why the bird is so "educated", maybe).

I regard the directions and the given situation at the Pendhopo. I create an visual installation a make some actions, acording to the place and to the
sound. I start from east to west, then move to north and south and fix the performance-elements as installation-image in the direction southeast/northwest. the centre and crossing playes a role the whole time. My material are 24 coloured stripes of paper, one red rubber band, one small foundpiece from Bali- a plastic gun, piece of thread, tape.

In this performance-installation i show my idea about two qualities of time: the stuctured time (numbers, my own reconstruction and memory of Nyepi) and
the Jam Karet time(rubber band, the time as a quality of some asian countries, like i feel that as big difference). In the center of these
crossing lines, there is also a small foundpiece from the beach on 17.3. (a little plastic gun) which is being inserted playfully into the action before
thrown into the night, out of the installation place (towards south). I move slowly and concentrated, according also to the sound, the chosen 24 min,
which i recorded at the family's house and garden. The Pendhopo-image at the end is a visual installation: the stuctured time (24 coloured pieces, fixed
at the beginning of the performance and turned around later) is put as a line over the elastic time (the before fixed, rubber band on the piles).

I asked Iwan Wijono to assist me partly in this performence and, in the second half, to do the parallel action of my movements. For some intentions i needed two poles (especially for the rubber band to be stretched). We didn't talk much about it before, i trusted him. His appearance was inspiration too, during the second half of the piece because it made me perform more than i initially intended. I realized this minmalistic piece at the given place (at the Pendhopo, Padepokan Lemah Putih, Solo) and the given time (24 min) and recorded sound (remembering time, some days before).
Gertrude Moser-Wagner, Vienna

° Murin, Michal / SL
Describtion: My participation will be in public, in this day I am teaching at school, so I will teach by silence, I will write a text about silence, which I will send you later.
This day I will: travel in public transport (quiet and less of movements - 6 hours), visit a pub (quiet and less of movements - for hours) and live my ordinary life, with one idea more - silence. I will let to know to somebody but also not tell anything to others

° Nieslony, Boris / D
Describtion: Had the thought, when I hear noise on the Nyepi-Day, I will not move and not speak any word.
Went in bed, 18th around 11:00pm, slept deep till 8:30 on 19th. Get up, from noise by children. Decided me 'don't get out from this room'. Took a wash
, moved in the room, stand, sit on the bed, walk some steps in one direction and back, done some body-execises
, laid down and started to concentrate me on the noises from outside and on the restlessness and noises in my head. Slowly I came in, fall in several short sleeeps and in lucid daydreams. More and more I could calming down the noise in my head. The last short sleep was around 3:00 pm. After this, I was in high concentration on the tones, voices by the human and birds and different sounds by some voicy activities coming from outside in the room. Lost the feeling of time and lost the view of lightrising, of the twilights. Saw some lightning without thunder. Wonder in late night about the quietness. Three in the morning of the 20th, got tyred and fallen in a deep sleep.

° O'Hara, Morgan / I / USA
Describtion: I will be participating in NYEPI from a private space in New York: my home and studio.
I will not answer the phone nor use the computer for those 24 hours. I will prepare my food the day before.
From 11am on Sunday the 18th until 11am on Monday the 19th of March (New York time) I will read and meditate and watch the changes of light and listen to the sounds of New York daily life going on around me during the day.
At night I will sleep and dream. In the morning I will begin again with meditation and reading and watching the light.
If it is a cold day I will soak in hot water in the bathtub to get warm.
If I need to move a bit I will study my drawings which are all based on movement to see what I might see in this pause between movement and non=movement,
something like observing the pause between the taking in of air and the inhaling of it. I will record by hand any particular insights which come to me.
I will think about you in Bali and will smile at the knowledge that we are all doing this together. Thank you for organizing this and inviting me to participate. I send you a hug and a kiss. Love, Morgan
* Dear Boris,
Welcome home. I hope the trip to Bali was wonderful for you and that the silence touched a deep wonderful place in you.
I watched the changes of light and they were lovely. I ran into deep nervousness in myself which I didn't like but let be.
I meditated but it felt like an obligation. Anyway, I participated in the project in the ways in which I could. I was with you in spirit.
Happy New Year! Love, Morgan

° O'Shaughnessy, Francis and Sara Létourneau / CAN
Describtion: The performance will be in the city Chicoutimi in Québec, Canada. A Native - First Nation event
4 people will participate in Chicoutimi to your project.
1-Francis O'Shaughnessy
2-Sara Létourneau
3- Étienne Boulianne
4- Magali Baribeau Marchand
All the activities will take place at the Espace Virtuel Gallery in Chicoutimi (Québec)-Canada.

° O Tong, Boedi / Indonesia / Switzerland
Describtion: He participated in Bali

° Padin, Clemente / Uruquay
Describtion: "Originally my proposal was carry out one day of fast taking native tea, id est, only taking "matel" in so much I ordered my files, without speaking a word with nobody. The "mate" it is a herb that only grows in these regions, in the fork between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. it is a moderate energetical, digestive and diuretic herb that doesn't create addition.
But, I had to go to Cardiff accepting my friend's Andre Stitt invitation and chance made that I travel March 19 to my home in Montevideo, Uruguay, from Cardiff in journey of return. For it I had to change my proposal during all journey of return put under an obligation to don't speak in all journey. Clearing, it was imposible. .in some moments I had to speak (in the customses with inspectors of migration and in airplane with a stewardess). The topic was that, in all journey, I deal in concentrate me in the fundamental objective of the project: peace."

° Paquete, Hugo - HYURO ZORBA / Portugal
Describtion: My performance will be record some abstract questions that i go make to some persons and make the distribution of a flayer
with the sentence: the red squaw is - as the yellow one and the yellow one is + then the triangular shape that is in contact with the red square and in contact with the green cycle but not in contact with the black rectangular
shape in the top of this with sheet.
The emptiness in action is less important than casual and a bio electric distension of your arm's think in the circle and move your self to the left 45 degrees, make a pause fill your brief in and out of your longs, think in the yellow square that not exist in parallel
with your action and move your self to the right 30 degrees and jump,spot is good in that way.
Now go home and make your live as a normal person if you want you can be a dissident and question the reason of this flayer and construct a
basis of arguments about art and casual situation, about the performance that you make fouling this orders.
But the most important is that you are participating in the The 15th Performance Art Conference. Will do this 24 hours.
Hugo Paquete

° Patterson, Brian / Northern Ireland
Describtion: He participated in Bali

° Pliengbangchang, Paisan / Thailand
Describtion: He participated in Bali

° Ruiz, Ronaldo / Phillipines
Describtion:He participated in Bali

° Sen-Voodoo, Wojak, AnA / Australia
Describtion: She participated in Bali, done different performances on the beach and in Bedulu

° Siu Lan Ko / Hongkong
Describtion: I love to join, still have to decide in Bali or in anywhere...let you know

° Steger, Elisabeth / Austria

Lisl Steger, born in Germany, living and working in Vienna and in her nets
she has no option but to participate in the MET zone of our planet
- in Iurop.
So, on Sunday, March 18th 2007, which is the 19th on Bali and Nyepi and at the same time the 165th birthday of the poet Stèphane Mallarmé, she wants to carry a dice in her pocket/hand, the whole day through, and bury an angel in silence.
"... every rite of transition recapitulates the social balances, collects and fixes in a certain space and in a certain time the
pictures and re/actions which have been developed in the course of history."
Luisa Accati - Il Mostro e la bella.

° Sturm, Barbara / CH
Describtion: She participated in Bali

° Suryodarmo, Melati / Indonesdia
Describtion: She participated in Bali

° Trow, Zane / AUS
Describtion: He and three other artists would action this silent piece as a group

° Mideo M Cruz and Racquel de Loyola / Philippines
Describtion: With 365 of deafening days, how about dedicating a day for serenity ?
Starting March 19th 2007, 00:00 local time in Bali, simultaneous between 6 degree latitude south and 60 degree north , we will take a day of silence in a secluded place in the Philippine countryside in celebrating Nyepi: Bali’s Day of Silence.
In participation to The 15th Performance Art Conference
Mideo M Cruz and Racquel de Loyola collaboration an unknown day a 24 hours of idleness. Starting March 18 11pm Manila time

° Untersander, Maria / CH
Describtion: She participated in Chur.

° Vassya Vassileva / Bulgaria
Describtion: Daily life silence [report available in silent mode]



Arts Council of Northern Ireland

BKA.Kunst Austria